
Akcel - Crowdfunding & Charity Angular Template


Akcel - Crowdfunding & Charity Angular Template

This documentation is last updated on 08 June 2024

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Getting started -

Before you begin, make sure you have Node and an npm package manager. installed on your computer.

Download node nodejs.org.

Check your node version, run node -v

Angular Setup -

Open terminal and run npm install -g @angular/cli

Angular CLI Doc: https://cli.angular.io

Serve and build

Use terminal and navigate to project root.Then run npm install

Development server

Run ng serve for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you change any of the source files.

Build for Production

Run ng build to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/ directory. Use the -prod flag for a production build.

Folder Directories -

  • angular.json

    Used for configuration of project specific settings. You can add external styles and scripts, change the output folder, add assets, add environment files and more.

  • e2e

    Will be used for end-to-end tests to ensure functionality for users before deploying.

  • node_modules

    All external modules used are here. Do not mess with this folder, as it is auto-generated by using npm install.

  • package.json

    Contains all dependencies used for production and development.

  • src

    Contains all Angular Typescript code, assets and basically everything the end user will have access to.

  • tslint.json

    Angular-CLI includes an automatic Typescript-Linter, which can be configured with this file.

Folder Structure -

  • src
    • app
      • constent
      • elements
      • pages
        • contact-us
        • home
          • index-1
          • index-2
          • index-3
        • blog
          • blog
          • blog-details
          • blog-grid
          • blog-list
        • fundraiser
          • become-a-fundraiser
          • browse-fundraiser
          • fundraiser-detail
        • project
          • project
          • project-categories
          • project-sidebar
          • project-story
        • pages
          • about-us
          • ask-a-question
          • certificates
          • coming-soon
          • error-404
          • faq
          • happy-clients
          • how-it-works
          • mission
          • terms-and-condition
          • under-maintenance
          • volunteer
    • assets
      • css
      • icons
      • images
      • js
      • script
      • scss
      • vendor

Theme Features -


  data-color= "color_1",     		More Options => ["color_1" , "color_2" , "color_3" , "color_4", "color_5", "color_6", "color_7" ]
  data-layout= "wide-layout",    	More Options => ["boxed" , "frame"]
  data-headerposition= "sticky-no", 	More Options => ["sticky-no" , "sticky-header"]
  data-body-bg= "color_1",    		More Options => ["color_1" , "color_2" , "color_3" , "color_4", "color_5", "color_6", "color_7" ]

Color Theme

Choosing a color theme for a website is an important part of creating a visually appealing and effective design. Here are so many color option available, you can choose a color theme for your website.

data-color: "color_1"
  • Color 1
  • Color 2
  • Color 3
  • Color 4
  • Color 5
  • Color 6
  • Color 7

The layout of a website refers to the way in which content and design elements are arranged on each page of the site. A well-designed layout can help to make a website more visually appealing, easy to navigate, and engaging for users. Here two layouts are available-

data-layout: "boxed"
data-layout: "frame"

The header of a website is the top section of the site that appears on every page. It typically includes the website logo, navigation menu, and sometimes additional elements such as a search bar, social media icons, or a call to action. Here we used fixed and sticky header in our website-

Header Fixed is-fixed

data-headerposition: "sticky-header"

Header Static sticky-no

data-headerposition: "sticky-no"
Background Color

The background color of a website is an important aspect of its overall design. It sets the tone for the site and can have a significant impact on user experience. You can use body background color like this but it will work only in boxed and frame layout

data-theme-version: "color_1"
Background Image

Using a background image on a website can add visual interest and personality to the design. You can use body background image like this but it will work only in boxed and frame layout

<body id="bg" style="background-image: url("assets/images/switcher/large/background/bg1.jpg");">
<body id="bg" style="background-image: url("assets/images/switcher/large/background/bg1.jpg");">

Css Files -

These all file import in styles.css

  • style.css

    Main Style CSS file is globally used

  • deeppurple-amber.css

    Material Css

  • bootstrap.min.css

    Bootstrap Css

  • perfect-scrollbar.css

    Perfect Scrollbar Css

  • lightbox.css

    Lightbox Css

  • metismenujs.css

    Matismenu css

Do You Need Help To Customization

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You Will Start Customizing According Your Requirement
BUT What If You Don't Know


Hire Same Team For Quality Customization

  • We Will Customize Template According To Your Requirement
  • We Will Upload On Server And Make Sure Your Website is Live

Version History - back to top

v1.0- 08 June 2024

    1. New - Created & Upload Akcel